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Bicyclist gets squeezed between bus and truck

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Rating: 2.1/5
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Added on  Jun 07, 2011
Comments (12)
mnem : 13 years ago : reply

Totally the cyclists fault. He should of stopped and waited behind the turning truck just like any other vehicle instead of swerving in and out of traffic. Would it be the bus driver's fault if a car tried to make that gap and failed slamming into the side of the bus?

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bob : 13 years ago : reply

Looks like a courier cyclist being followed by his mate on a bike with a camera and he was too careless and totally misjudged the situation going for a closing gap due to the fact he was being filmed. It was no way the bus drivers fault, he was in front of the bike, probably swerving around an obstacle in the left hand lane like a parked car. Bus drivers driving standards in general are bad as they think they are entitled to intimidate and push others road users out of the way but cant put any blame on them for this one. As with any road user cyclists dont think about what other road users are going to do or anticipate what their needs are such as blind spots in mirrors. Cyclist rarelydo life saver checks over the shoulder, indicating etc before manouvering. Unless you have driven all HGVs,motorbikes,cycles then very few people anticipate other road users next move and blame other people for their own lack of thought.

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cardriver : 13 years ago : reply

Dumb cyclist, why the hell did he go flying into that gap?!

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I am a car driver too : 13 years ago : reply

Notice the bus swerved a bit? I bet the bus driver didn't check his side mirror before doing that. Dumb bus driver.

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Jija : 13 years ago : reply

he sure checked, but the cyclist was in a blind angle. So badluck. But sorry, by his foolish way to ride through the traffic, he deserved it.

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Motorcylist : 13 years ago : reply

So is that what you will tell the police if you hit a guy on a motorcycle. Ain't gonna work.

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whaat : 12 years ago : reply

at least i CAN tell the police something..thats the point...he shouldn't have tried to squeeze that gap regardless if he had a right of way. if they have a cross walk and the light is green for me to walk..i STILL look both ways and if I see a car that speeding arcoss I won't think "Geez I have the right away, he does not have a right to hit me" only a moron thinks just because something is a rule or a law it means automatic protection.

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sdgsdg : 13 years ago : reply

Notice where they are. England. England, and most of Europe, don't have pedestrian or cyclist laws like the US. Cyclist is in the wrong.

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giancola : 13 years ago : reply

actually we do, its in the highway code, but they ignore it and blame the motorist......also the police couldnt catch them or find them if they get your facts right you gun loving mad person.

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Tea time : 13 years ago : reply

Bet the bus driver and the cyclist settled it over a cup of tea.

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Youtube - attackperson47 : 13 years ago : reply

HAHA LOL That is so funneh :D I bet You live in america (( OFFENCE TAKEN? ))

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Rhahhaha : 13 years ago : reply

Cyclist deserved it. Dumb ass

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