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Fat chick falls on stage while dancing

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Rating: 2.3/5
(491 votes cast)
Added on  Mar 26, 2010
Comments (22)
Mwgly : 8 years ago : reply

so, its funny, unless its a fat girl? i dont get it.

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Darren : 8 years ago : reply

Lot's of dull ugly dweebs who wish they could dance, laughing at someone who tries. Typical. Go call your mom and apologize for being born. Better yet, tell her how fat and ugly she looked when she gave birth to you. Jesus. Pointless people taking up air space.

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Nic : 10 years ago : reply

Haha shee cries at tha end hahahaha

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Bodie : 10 years ago : reply

You sick, cruel people think this is funny? I am seriously crying right now because this beautiful girl is in pain. Do you guys see she is in pain? You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

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Bolo : 10 years ago : reply

It's funny because she's fat.

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the SLAPPINATOR : 10 years ago : reply


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The Decapitator : 10 years ago : reply


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Eroc : 10 years ago : reply

If she broke it I bet gravy came out.

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richard : 10 years ago : reply

@ruthielopez shut the f*k up

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bitch nigger : 10 years ago : reply


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RRR : 10 years ago : reply

It's funny because she's fat

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Ruthie Lopez : 11 years ago : reply

You guys are really terrible. She was obviously in terrible pain and was humiliated. If you don't care about her feelings and you came to this video to make yourself video then that's just pathetic. Especialy Alex. People who have nothing to offer but mockery and cruel comments need to get a life and get over themselves. Go ahead, judge this girl. Just remember to be perfect for the rest of your lives.

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miltwad : 12 years ago : reply

I'd hit it

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jock. : 13 years ago : reply

baaaaaahahahahahahahaha! USA! USA!!

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lololol : 13 years ago : reply

the best part is when she cries

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lol : 13 years ago : reply

Where's keyboard cat when you need him?

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rofl : 13 years ago : reply

something about this makes me wanna hurt someone :/

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You guys suck. >( : 13 years ago : reply

This isn't funny. She looks like she's in a lot of pain, like something broke or tore. It makes me wonder why she wasn't wearing shoes that would've kept her from slipping. She's obviously very talented, so she didn't just start... Confuses me.

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Formless : 9 years ago : reply

Truthfully looking at it, she cries a little and looks up, she may be in a bit of pain but the fact that she was faking how bad it was takes away my sympathy for her. All the later comments about how everyone that is laughing about it are terrible people try her for garnishing false sympathy. she is young but not so young that she should be bawling her eyes out after that fall, she should get back up and trudge on and if she is hurt limp off the stage with dignity. Though i will say this, nothing about this is funny just sad.

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Lolcopter : 10 years ago : reply

Talented in what? Eating?

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Alex : 11 years ago : reply

No, she's awful dancer. And I don't care about her feelings. I came to see a beauty and what I see? Fat chick in purple dress. Fuck it.

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lol : 13 years ago : reply

So, this is an interpretive dance on the theme of epic fail?

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