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Obama kicks door open

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Rating: 3.7/5
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Added on  Dec 06, 2010
Comments (50)
JO : 11 years ago : reply

No one noticed the pixelblending in 3 frames. The stars on the flag are shifting a bit.

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UAxedForIt : 11 years ago : reply

Barry Soetoro is a crack smoking faggot.

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tmac : 12 years ago : reply

I think it's fake, but if Obama's camp had a brain...they'd use this to their advantage.

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mhm : 12 years ago : reply

that is obviously fake. Look at how unnatural his body looks when he does it. Computer images couldn't do it fluidly enough. 100% fake.

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barlon : 12 years ago : reply

It is real . I was there. Our president has an anger problem

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SP : 12 years ago : reply

Wasn't this debunked 10 months ago? An actor played Obama, so that there are people who would believe a lie, and old and bad lie, tell me they would accept just about any lie. Why? I guess that the answer is that they want to believe a reason to hate. Why would someone hate the first black president? Could the phrase uttered by some in the GOP of "uppity black man' have a relation to the gullibility and desire to dislike him? I'm just saying that racims happens, it's happening now -- right on this very internet site.

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Distarawack : 12 years ago : reply

Fake, his nose gets smaller D:

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Greg : 12 years ago : reply

Watch his suit change from gray to black as he passes the flag, obviously fake, funny though.

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eric : 12 years ago : reply

come on people let's use some critical thinking. "look at you tube it's fake" are you really putting that much credibility into something that could have just as easily been made up. I'm not saying this one is real but if your stupid enough to think that just because someone posted a video on youtube claiming its fake that that is evidence enough to discredit it then your an idiot. I watched the youtube clip and the stars do the same effing thing in the alleged "original" clip.

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Mariam : 12 years ago : reply

YES WE CAN.... see that is the real president. What a disgrace! OMG!

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Michael : 12 years ago : reply

"There was so much criticism for the longest time -- even my voice among them. But then you look back at what [President Obama has] managed to do versus what he was up against. The brick wall of GOP Obstructionism, the Propaganda Machine of Fox News, plus inheriting the worst economy since the Depression, etc ... yet he still got so much done. And who is he? Just a son of a single Mom from Hawaii. I have a heart full of respect." — Kicking Ass for the Middle Class

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Billy Bob : 12 years ago : reply

Get your head out of the sand so hou can see my face while I kick your worthless ass

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Chris : 12 years ago : reply

If you voted for Obama to prove you weren't a rascist, vote for someone else next time to prove you aren't an idiot.

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JD : 11 years ago : reply

Fake or not, it's as funny as hell and I got a kick out of it. He's easily peeved when he doesn't get his way, so if he didn't do it he's capable of such childish shenanigans anyway. I'd be surprised if it turns out to be a fake.

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JD : 11 years ago : reply

The idiots whom voted for him would do so every 4 years if they had a chance to do so. Some people never learn!

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ImRarityDEALWITHIT : 12 years ago : reply


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Tyrone Weatherspoon : 12 years ago : reply

Aww shucky-darn. Eric Cantor made him mad. He doesn't get his way any more. Is this behavior supposed to scare Republicans? I do not it will work here. Sorry.

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4xchamp : 12 years ago : reply

The point is: This is exactly how the jerk feels and acts. He's running a Gangster Government. He has trampled on the US Constitution. He and his entire regime need to be voted out. Come on 2012. Lets hire new people to fix the mess this guy made.

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AJ : 12 years ago : reply

I wish it were real, because he is an idiot. Unfortunately it isn't -

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eric : 12 years ago : reply

that ones the real fake

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donald clark : 12 years ago : reply

Very presidential, very presidential in the third world he comes from. It's not president Obama, it's pissant Obama.

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Billy Bob : 12 years ago : reply

I hear that. One "Clark" to another.

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Curt Howe : 12 years ago : reply

Looks like a "Cry Baby ***"!!!

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Lorna Fisher : 13 years ago : reply

I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT whoever you are angry with deserved that - too bad it wasn't their ass it isn't any more immature than most of the idiots on capital hill i am 69 years old and i thiink i would have had a frying pan just in case it was needed

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Sk*obs : 12 years ago : reply

"whoever you are angry with deserved that" because I blindly support you even if I have no clue what is going on in the context of this. wow.

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Puma Dem : 13 years ago : reply

Obama, the petulant man-child, threw a tantrum and kicked door on the way out. That is really immature behavior for someone in his fifties. '

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john norton : 13 years ago : reply

It is real if he dosnt get his way he kicks the door in. nothing suprizing here. hey you libs time for a reality check this is the moron you voted for...LOL...

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Trig Palin : 13 years ago : reply

lol Obama pwns Bush again

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Stars on the right Flag : 13 years ago : reply

They change from a hanging down Flag with the Stars in a non orderly fashion to a perfectly round cicle of stars on a hanging down Flag. Watch the link for additional info.

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Not Fake : 13 years ago : reply

This dude is retarded. There's nothing different about the flag. At any point, its from when the camera man zooms out.

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Klick the link : 13 years ago : reply

It's Fake. There the "making of" link But if you whant to believe in Bigfoot and tzhe Loch Ness monster, thats not my problem.

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eric : 12 years ago : reply

what gives that youtube clip any credibility?

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Daz : 10 years ago : reply

What gives this GIF any credibility... GIFs are the least credible source of any form of information as it is in the nature of the medium itself that it is manipulated, otherwise it cannot exist...

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好醋网 : 13 years ago : reply

good,thats fake

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:o : 13 years ago : reply

:o he owes me money meh money

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1212 : 13 years ago : reply


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Um.. : 13 years ago : reply

There's nothing wrong with the flag...

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WTF? : 13 years ago : reply

Is this real?

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Frank : 12 years ago : reply

Yes, it's real. There goes our magesty with his presidential good manners.

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Shamus McQuade : 12 years ago : reply

It looks as though someone cleverly dubbed mixed and morphed the sequences together, so I doubt that it is true, BUT I think he has made a fool of himself without having to make any tantrum scene. However, sooner or later he will lose it. What I want to see is someone like Newt Ginerich debate him one on one. No teleprompter help on a debate for the Manchurian Candidate.

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phil : 12 years ago : reply

what do you expect from a man whose "father was a farmer." he class and the apple falls not far from the tree!

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Barry : 11 years ago : reply

And in your case the apple fell, rotted, was hollowed out by wasps and returned to a normal pie.

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Deb : 11 years ago : reply

2 years after posted LOL, however, BarryAKA Barack "listed" Father was a DRUNK! and a socialist. The only reason I cringe when I see Farmer is the fact that aside from my Grandfather working on the railroad, he owned a farm, just 105 acres, but he was an exceptional man, kind, goodhearted, never heard him say a cruel word to anyone, THAT cannot be said about the wanna be King.....I also wonder if Sr really WAS the Bio Father of our Fraud in the White House

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Jean Walker : 12 years ago : reply

photoshopping is great, isn't it?!

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