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Beer cups filled from the bottom up

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Rating: 2.2/5
(446 votes cast)
Added on  Jan 04, 2011
Comments (8)
Wow : 11 years ago : reply

That's genious! Allthough it doesn't make sense that it's reversed. Why would he throw away that many beers and as "Nice story bra" makes a point with; "Why whould they creat a machine that drains beer out of cups?" And then put the 'used' cups back in the row....

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the more you know : 11 years ago : reply

It is a suction tab that gets pushed up and seals after beer is in it.

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nice story bra : 12 years ago : reply

plus, why would they create a machine that drains beer out of cups? think bro

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Bob & Tom : 13 years ago : reply There you go.

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sigh : 13 years ago : reply

Watch it in reverse and maybe you'll figure out how they did it :P

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You fail : 13 years ago : reply

use the knowledge of that brain the universe gave you, the woman in the back is brushing her hand through her hair, this time look at it in reverse, her actions are weird and so are his.

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tom : 13 years ago : reply

what? how? mind blown

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:D : 13 years ago : reply


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