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People jumping in a hole

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Rating: 2.5/5
(584 votes cast)
Added on  Jan 14, 2009
Comments (16)
Yousef : 7 years ago : reply

If these people look for truth, they will find falsity.

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stan : 7 years ago : reply

For those who were asking about the provenance of this image: it's from an old Wendy's ad.

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Scs : 8 years ago : reply

What old movie or Sci-Fi show did this idea come from? It's in the back of my head and I can't get it to move forward lol@me

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Fred Daugherty : 10 years ago : reply

people following the pope..and all other cults.

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BTC : 10 years ago : reply


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dc : 9 years ago : reply

made me lol

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GEORGE CARLIN : 10 years ago : reply


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Ctrl-I : 12 years ago : reply

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Gerry : 13 years ago : reply

Hey! Where did you find this video of my coworkers?!

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Heathen : 13 years ago : reply

Are you threatening me?

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rofl : 13 years ago : reply

ShiroNoOokami is right. I remember seeing it

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baz : 13 years ago : reply

it's 2012 !!!!!! Aaaahhhhh RUN TO THE HOLES... Run for your lives.... Iron Maiden Baby!!!! :)

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kerux : 13 years ago : reply

Its you people GOING TO HELL!!!! IF YOU DON'T REPENT OF YOUR SINS AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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fred : 8 years ago : reply

many are called but few are chosen.....its all of god's decision!!!!

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appy : 8 years ago : reply

Im a good soul good heart, never mean, never judge ect but im going to hell??? Shame on you

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ferd : 8 years ago : reply

There is none good....

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