885 gifs tagged with 'animals' - clear
Dog playing dead96,145 views
Bear cubs having a backyard pool party75,862 views
Tiger sneaks up on guy81,818 views
Elephant drinks toilet water81,778 views
Cat vs Santa hat111,393 views
Birds with hands110,534 views
Hannibal boxer is watching you98,252 views
Turtle doesn't want to be picked up82,196 views
Dog trying to get his ball stuck in ice76,230 views
Guinea pig om nom nom94,694 views
Cat trying to get inside77,667 views
Bloodworm showing its teeth72,079 views
Monkey punches capybara in the nose77,045 views
Cat can't find hidden mouse116,923 views
Spinning dolphin69,771 views
Hesitant horse gracefully jumps a ditch82,503 views
Orca throws seal 80 feet into the air82,278 views
Baby giraffe slows down after a run76,090 views
Cat watches squirrel on laptop88,326 views
Rat infestation73,122 views
Whale makes spash in gym65,332 views
Cow gets hit by car, walks away74,308 views
Turtle has ticklish shell60,572 views
Family of geese vs. paddle60,803 views
Octopus hides under sand74,649 views
Sleeping otter gets a rude awakening65,700 views
Turtle bites pineapple64,120 views
Stuffed panda comes to life - Maymo the Beagle67,519 views
Squirrel slo-mo jump59,973 views
Squirrel makes huge jump from roof to tree64,538 views
Kid takes off on sheep100,743 views
Crocodile bites other crocodiles leg off82,911 views
Hesitant horse jumps over small obstacle97,574 views
Goat jump fail80,035 views
Lion cubs watching Dora the Explorer130,265 views
Bloated zebra explodes in leopards face while eating it94,897 views