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Police brutality

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Rating: 2.2/5
(381 votes cast)
Added on  Nov 16, 2009
Comments (6)
rofl : 13 years ago : reply

the first cop fell down

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Aaron : 13 years ago : reply

I know that this does not have to do with the gifs from here but, you know what movie is this? They changed the gif putting something of Britney Spears. Could anyone answer me if you know of course! Its seems funny and is a policeman abuser! lol

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tricker : 13 years ago : reply


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ChalkyDouglas : 13 years ago : reply

This video was part of a police cover up. Early in the chase the driver of the van deliberately runs into a police officer who was attempting to lay down a spike stripe. At the time of the beating, those officers had no idea if their colleague was dead or what. Part of me doesn't blame them. They tried to hide this evidence and explained that all the broken bones as bruises were from the crash.

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