Comments (17)
JP : 11 years ago : reply
"Why wouldn't you stop this?!" You sticking your hand in the pelican's mouth to try and stop it? Didn't think so.
Quack : 13 years ago : reply
The duck at the end of the vid there was like ''Think I'm just gonna head over here for a min''
Clipped wings : 13 years ago : reply
What a way to go, surely the pigeon will slowly dissolve in it's stomach acid? Damn :P
So? : 13 years ago : reply
It's a pigeon. They get run over by cars, die from hitting windows, smog from cities, cats, to be short; pigeons die all the time. That's why there are so many of them. I saw a hawk eat a pigeon once and I just watched. I'm not going to stop a hungry bird, plus if a bird was acting like that there was probably something wrong with it.
Baz : 14 years ago : reply
U wanna save the pigeon , simple shoot that pelican !!! end of story so much for "fish eaters" LOL
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