It's a shirt + Candy. Watch the video before you morons talk. Dumbasses these days.
i have seen people throwing flower at the guy but not water bottle
That's a big bottle, like out of a water cooler or something!? or is it that she's still really little, that girl
It's a shirt -_- with a bag of his fav candy in it i think sour patch kids please don't ask how i know this
Now lets think about this logically guys. He must have been real thirsty from all that high pitched singing and that kind person just wanted to help him out with his hydration....jeez
Is it just me, or is the water bottle...actually a role of toilet paper? O.o
He may be a terrible singer and a corporate hack, but he doesn't deserve this. He's just a kid doing what he loves, and if you don't like it you probably shouldn't pay any attention.
He must be staring into so many spotlights, he couldn't see the bottle until the last second. Imagine how awesome it would be to continue bombarding him with things! He won't be able to perform with a bright light on him without half-expecting something to smack him in the face. Might even be useful in a future career.
aww that poor kid! i don't like his music or anything but he is not as bad as to throw a water bottle at him! that must have been really embarrassing
xD Who Ever Threw that thing to him xD he gonna be my best friend lol
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Rocking chair
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Paperboy fail (While You Were Sleeping)
What happens when you're being cocky
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