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Baby starts fight with cat

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Rating: 2.6/5
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Added on  Oct 27, 2011
Comments (19)
Helen Letchworth : 8 years ago : reply

Cats catch mice and are good animals its the human race that needs to be knocked the hell out of and beating on animals is the beginning of a serial killer....proven fact

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eh : 9 years ago : reply

at least he learned not to slap an annoyed cat

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lore : 9 years ago : reply

the cat had already attacked the baby and the mother told the kid to hit the cat, long story short, it's the mothers fault

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Crusing by : 9 years ago : reply

Yeah sorry I have way more sympathy for the cat than for that ugly little piece of human garbage. That kid would have had his head smacked hard if I'd been there and f*k anyone who tries to give me shit over this. I raised 3 kids including 1 with severe developmental delays and neurological problems who had zero self-control and there's still no way she would have ever treated one of our pets like this OR been allowed to get away with doing so, disabilities notwithstanding. ZERO sympathy for the little shit.

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Trainee : 9 years ago : reply

Before slamming the kid you should look at the whole video. The kid was being tormented by the cat with the aid of the parents who wanted a viral video. Pretty horrible. Now a bunch of strangers think their kid is a monster.

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Leigh : 8 years ago : reply

The kisd *is* a monster

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cowlizard : 10 years ago : reply

Feral druids? anyone?

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Toplizard : 10 years ago : reply

Boom--get what you're asking for little douche bag. Cat's doing some good old fashioned parenting.

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Demon : 10 years ago : reply

Well deserved. This kid is a f*king asshole who should be thrown out of a 20 stories high building.

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aaitoe : 10 years ago : reply

I hope he has a scar now, so he'll never forgets this...

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Verielle : 12 years ago : reply

Dumbass deserved it, sorry.

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HoldingAces35 : 12 years ago : reply

@kittycats omg you're dumb. Clearly he's being a little ***!head as you can see when the .gif first starts. He's throwing a tantrum cause he's probably not getting his way over something and takes it out on the cat.

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kittycats_delight : 12 years ago : reply

WTF!!!! Is it just me of did you look like the kid was looking at the parents waiting for permission??? Looks like the parents are training the next Michael Vick....F%$king IDIOTS!!!!

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Julie : 12 years ago : reply

I bet he never f*ks with a cat ever again.

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Distarawack : 12 years ago : reply

deserved it

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Maegi Mc : 12 years ago : reply

Somebody please tell me I'm not the only one who wanted to smack that kid after the cat was done with him? Hey, I raised 4 boys, the youngest is 17 now, the oldest is 24 & they all learned very young to be kind to cats, even if it's only to keep up your blood count! Maegi

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Aleksey : 11 years ago : reply

I'll try to tell you despite my bad english. Cats are just toys for people. They do nothing. They don't catch mice because you feed them. So if one of that toys bites my baby, i'll teach it not to do it.

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Thro : 10 years ago : reply

I'd rather smack your stupid ass than a cat.

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aaitoe : 10 years ago : reply

You'd better teach your kids not to slap a cat, idiot...

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