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Camel bites man

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Rating: 2.3/5
(317 votes cast)
Added on  Oct 27, 2014
Comments (5)
Maria HD : 9 years ago : reply

Not funny at all really, considering the poor thing's bleeding to death.

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Scott : 9 years ago : reply

Damn dromedary you scary!

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Alley Barber : 9 years ago : reply

Not sure if this one is safe for the kids... The camel has had its jugular vein sliced open and it is bleeding to death. That is how Halal meat is made. Barbaric.

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Karma : 9 years ago : reply

You can see his knife falling on the ground after the dromedary lifted him up. Would be more fun if it had severed that guys aorta. So his halal meat would have killed him in self defense. That would be ironic karma. Brutal god wants brutal offerings.

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Adam : 9 years ago : reply

Caption should read "Camel lifts and throws man by head."

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