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Random gifs
Squirrel scares giant panda at Toronto Zoo
Huge rope swing fall
Horse walks into police station
Stevie Wonder catches falling microphone during concert
Dogs use teamwork to get ball out of the pool
Automatic license plate change system
Soccer player catches ferret on field and gets bitten
Pole vault trick - Joel Pocklington
Guy stops girl on bicycle, probably avoiding accident
Kid lays down under a moving train
Schoolgirl walking across the street almost gets hit by bus
Huge rope swing fall
Horse walks into police station
Stevie Wonder catches falling microphone during concert
Dogs use teamwork to get ball out of the pool
Automatic license plate change system
Soccer player catches ferret on field and gets bitten
Pole vault trick - Joel Pocklington
Guy stops girl on bicycle, probably avoiding accident
Kid lays down under a moving train
Schoolgirl walking across the street almost gets hit by bus