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Exploding sperm whale

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Rating: 2.5/5
(445 votes cast)
Added on  Nov 27, 2013
Comments (9)
Unknown man : 3 years ago : reply

It needed to hold in a fart

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ih8whales : 7 years ago : reply

This whale got what it deserved

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Kate : 10 years ago : reply


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Norman : 10 years ago : reply

Care to explain to me what the hell happened?

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Trololo : 10 years ago : reply

I'm going to assume you failed science in school.

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Lad : 8 years ago : reply

I guess you're the one who had no friends in school then

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Nice : 8 years ago : reply


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Armen : 10 years ago : reply

My dad made me with a faulty condom

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Crefftwr : 10 years ago : reply

Great, now im hungry... Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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