151 gifs tagged with 'reactions' - clear
Dog gets tricked out of treats66,871 views
Shocked dog51,577 views
Ronaldo on TV gets distracted by a snack27,593 views
Ted Cruz's reaction when compared to Kevin from 'The Office'36,655 views
Kid gets overexcited about pudding36,168 views
Electrocution prank30,005 views
Little girl reacts to tear being wiped off her face while crying49,491 views
Lion gets spooked by soap bubble65,816 views
Horse reacts to woman in unicorn mask127,029 views
Dog bites girl's tongue76,221 views
Fire scares kids at restaurant59,355 views
Baboon reacts to disappearing card trick73,273 views
Iguana goes crazy over stuffed lizard80,520 views
Woman gets busted mocking LeBron84,558 views
Cat invades Maru's personal space81,820 views
Cat's reaction to hand58,083 views
Baby girl doesn't like sun95,252 views
Pug spins when frightened by larger dog94,065 views
Kid cuts guy's fake hand with toy saw127,178 views
Cat startled by cucumber93,162 views
Kid with ball scares kid on bike79,878 views
Woman vs. fake shark tank126,628 views
Mother throws water at girl59,511 views
Man in monkey mask scares kid67,125 views
Angry dad reacts at kids' hockey fight63,383 views
Girl removes hand from guy when realizing she's on TV77,745 views
Oculus Rift roller coaster reaction60,899 views
Guy reacts to girls kissing in front of him73,424 views
Woman's reaction to scary snowman prank63,068 views
Guy on the phone jumps over crashing dirt bike66,702 views
Little girl prefers grandpa over grandma93,018 views
Little girl cries for money84,031 views
Stun gun slow-motion61,963 views
Confused owl71,043 views
Baby vs. water sprinkler67,068 views
Cat vs. lemon92,275 views