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The size of planets

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Added on  Jan 15, 2009
Comments (22)
teehee : 11 years ago : reply

DAMN uranus is big

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Bob : 12 years ago : reply

Damn! Interesting. How ever, they should change the title. Most of them were stars. Not planets.

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SamuelRobbo : 12 years ago : reply

We are nothing... Wow...

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Tonybob : 13 years ago : reply

So if we say Betelguise 3 times will the star come to our planet?

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No name : 11 years ago : reply

no , the distance is so huge

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terra ryzing : 13 years ago : reply

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silky johnson : 13 years ago : reply

it takes something very intelligent to make the universe... jehovah god one of many creations

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meow : 9 years ago : reply

what makes you think so? the particles that make up matter just follow a simple set of rules, right now they have interacted in such a way that stars, planets and other things have formed. things simply exist because they can exist, that goes for us too. the universe is very beautiful, enjoy it for what it is here and now.

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rofl : 13 years ago : reply

the bibles just a fairytale story about a wizard that apparently lives in the sky - .-

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EdCase : 6 years ago : reply

And BIBLE stands for "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth"

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DAVE!!! : 13 years ago : reply

this actually makes me feel incredibly significant, because out of all these crazy huge things, we as tiny as we are, are alive in our incredibly small area just living man.

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rofl : 13 years ago : reply

shopped, i can tell by the pixels

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Luigi : 13 years ago : reply

0_o" ...Wow.

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cooltina : 13 years ago : reply


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derDUHder : 13 years ago : reply

Pluto is a dwarf planet. Thus making it more of a planet than the moon, sun, and other stars, etc.

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risa : 13 years ago : reply

please make me feel more insignificant right now lol

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Sase Antic : 13 years ago : reply

Such a informative GIF. Thanks!

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Pluvia : 13 years ago : reply

I like it how some people think those Stars are planets and think that they're fake when even a quick Wikipedia check for the biggest one will show you they're real.

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