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Take the walk

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Rating: 2.8/5
(1143 votes cast)
Added on  Jan 18, 2009
Comments (13)
Ian : 9 years ago : reply


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Josh Nya : 10 years ago : reply

Off The Shelf! With those hips she could use the "Special K" before she begins knocking down merchandise.

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Tom : 10 years ago : reply

A few more yards and those flabby thighs would start to foam. I'd hate to stick my nose in that sweaty, fat pussy.

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sterotypical teenager : 13 years ago : reply

*random comment about justin bieber*

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oh yeah : 13 years ago : reply

I'd give that muffin some butter. Or some baking type product where butter is needed.

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rofl : 13 years ago : reply

meh....i say 6

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Nanab : 13 years ago : reply

Right. Let me tell you something: I like fat chicks. And this chick? She isn't fat. She has the potential to be, and she's softer than your scrawny Katy Perry and whatnot, but she's not fat. You can keep her if you want.

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Chris : 13 years ago : reply

ew shes fat :/

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Anon : 13 years ago : reply

ITT: Sad examples of people on the internet.

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Jahmaul : 13 years ago : reply

As far as I know as an opinion - I rather bump her instead of bumping any other inferior female judged by either 2% of her body & incomparable to this one....whatever. I like the girl, yet I'll damn sure will pretend to play a difficult game [flyness, etc.] for her attraction. That's how you keep them focused on you. lol

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Michelle : 13 years ago : reply

wow youre all idiots. i saw her IN REALITY and im just as fat as her then and im effin 5'3 and 120 pounds and healthy. youre all so sick. healthy is hot underweight is not.

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