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Baby vs. water hose

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Rating: 2.1/5
(449 votes cast)
Added on  Apr 23, 2011
Comments (7)
austin : 11 years ago : reply

"Err, which way did he go george?"

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L: : 13 years ago : reply

The baby: "Where'd it go? Over here? Other way! Nope... where is it???"

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Fake : 13 years ago : reply

Fake baby

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Mango : 13 years ago : reply

=)) FAKE BABY? =)) so funny in fact it's a squirell, but they put a make-up on, one of those guvernamental mysteries i guess..... By the way how the hell you passed the math test? I tought it will keep trolls away from this site.

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pro : 10 years ago : reply

only really stupid people think that others are as stupid as them.

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lazymode : 13 years ago : reply

Stupid baby

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