Just got back from Andromeda and this is what i see... Punks these days sure know arguing...
The moon landing photos from the '60s were shopped before their even was a photoshop. Shadows going the wrong way, big patches of stars missing and out of focus pics cut & glued over the top of stuff. They're really, really bad.
Of is not photoshopped there can be another planet with intelligent life it is possible there just have to be the right conditions for there to be another planet with intelligent life
You can tell it's shopped, the shadow on her face is way different then the shadow on her ***s. Bea Arthur also has a mole right above her left nipple, and the body double in this forgery does not. It's a real shame what some people will go through just to whack it to golden girls noodz.
Damnit, i looked up the REAL source of the original image on Nasa.gov. LINK BELOW. *** JUST GOT REAL. http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/starsgalaxies/hubble_UDF.html
No *** this is photoshopped. That doesn't mean it's not real. If you know the first thing about making astronomical photos, photoshop is key. It brings out the resolution. It DOES NOT just make galaxies appear out of nowhere. Don't call yourself an expert of photoshop if you are simple enough to make such stupid accusations such as "it's photoshopped." If we were looking at an image of a chicks ***, then feel free to make the possibly legitimate accusation that it is photoshopped, but when it comes to images of outer space, saying that it is photoshopped is so incredibly stupid to say.
I agree. At first i was thinking "That's interesting". Then by the time i get done reading the comments I am laughing and forgot what was the site about.
I don't know what was more entertaining.....the GIF or all the comments below :P
real, fake, christian, athiest, mr. photoshop expert or no expert, big bang, creation, galaxies, planets... i mean, this gif was made to give us a better understanding of how big the universe is. stop the damn arguing and just chill.
Hubble and NASA are real! And astronomy is cool. Not as good as meteorology though. And I won't state my religion here.
Clearly shopped picture, as well as the picture with "Hubble" (there's no such thing), also NASA is shopped too - it has never existed, all the so-called photos of NASA are photoshop fantasy. When will you finally realise there's no "universe" around us? It's all fraud. We're surrounded by Heaven and Angels, you fools.
so according to you guys we're the only people in a world filled with a never ending ammount of galaxys....the ufo's people see might be fake but that doesnt mean we're alone...the world goes on forever...and scientists are looking far beyond our galaxy for life...so just shut the hell up you idiots....
Jessica Biel from behind - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Cat licking lollipop
Manatee bumps into glass
Blowing up the swastika
Family Guy - The O.J. Simpson verdict
Guy jumping through a car
Another treadmill fail
Reporting from the fiesta after the game
Girls on waterslide loop