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Baby's reaction to cold water

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Rating: 2.2/5
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Added on  May 20, 2011
Comments (7)
CB : 10 years ago : reply

Um, to those people who actually think this baby is really being immersed in cold water: I highly doubt there are any parents dumb enough to actually do that. Babies make weird faces at bathtime -- my daughter would make almost the exact same face as the baby in the gif, plus make choking sounds and hold her breath, whenever the water touched anything higher than her butt. It's a survival thing.

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Wrecked : 10 years ago : reply

If you put your f*king baby in cold water you are a dumb mother f*ker. Keep your kids warm. There are no benefits, it doesn't develop resistance it's just some primitive myth shit. God damn.

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Wreckinyou : 10 years ago : reply

Anyone that puts their baby in cold water is a dumb motherf*ker. IT doesn't develop resistance to cold, that's retarded. Keep your children warm you stupid shits

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ok? : 13 years ago : reply

uh.. yeah focus on the tattoo.

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jaxjay : 13 years ago : reply

Redneck Tatoo on forearm. Perhaps it says "Drangon Soul" or something like that.

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James : 13 years ago : reply

Stupid parents. You don't put babies in cold water. Their bodies are too sensitive for that.

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123321 : 13 years ago : reply

There is no exact translation in english, maybe "quenching" will be nearest. In Russia, Ukraine and some north countries do this to develop resistence to extreme cold.

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